Revitalizing Population and Development in the 21st Century:
International Conference on Population and Development 30 Years On

Thirty years ago, delegates from 179 countries agreed on a broad set of priorities and actions to advance human rights, including reproductive rights, in the context of population and development concerns. The 1994 International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) was groundbreaking in its assertion that empowering women and girls was both the right thing to do and one of the most reliable pathways to sustainable development and improved wellbeing for all. Read More »

Behind Closed Doors: Exposing and Addressing Harmful Gender-Based Practices in the United States

Despite often being dismissed as foreign or cultural problems, harmful gender-based practices exist in every community across the United States, affecting countless individuals. Behind Closed Doors confronts the reality of female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C); child, early, and forced marriage/union (CEFMU); femicide; and virginity testing occurring within the United States—emphasizing the urgent need for comprehensive action. … Read More »

The State of Reproductive Health and Rights: A 50-State Report Card

Missing Pieces: Gaps in Abortion Care Create a Human Rights Crisis In the two years since the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, which protected the constitutional right to abortion, Americans have dealt with a sexual and reproductive health landscape that is a complex puzzle, featuring fractured sex education, gender-affirming care, and family planning … Read More »

Empower Youth: Amplifying Voices in Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR)

The world is currently home to the largest generation of youth in history. Youth voices should be at the forefront of advocacy for sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) and in uncovering the barriers to access faced by people across the world. Young people’s valuable perspectives highlight SRHR, education, and climate change as key … Read More »

Population and Climate Change Vulnerability: Understanding Current Trends to Enhance Rights and Resilience

In many of the countries most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, populations are growing significantly faster than in the world as a whole. This rapid growth tends to exacerbate vulnerability at the household, community, and national level, as increasing human needs face growing strains from ever more damaging extremes of weather and water … Read More »

Connecting the Dots: Sexual and reproductive health and rights as prerequisites for global gender equality and empowerment

Global gender equality and empowerment are universally agreed upon goals and are widely considered critical across political affiliations in the U.S. Achieving these goals requires dedicated commitment to women’s and girls’ health; freedom from violence; and equal participation in education, the workforce, and politics. Additionally, a commitment to the global sexual and reproductive health and … Read More »

A Tale of Two Americas

A Tale of Two Americas A 50-state report card on reproductive health and rights showing how opponents of reproductive rights are creating a United States where there is a deep divide between those who have access to reproductive health care and those who do not. Find out if your state is making the grade. Read … Read More »

Invisible Threads: Addressing the Root Causes of Migration from Guatemala by Investing in Women and Girls

In recent years, a growing proportion of migrants at the US southern border have come from Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras. This surge of migrants has prompted the US government to seek to address the root causes of migration from the region. As this strategy is further elaborated, a deeper look at human lives in … Read More »

Barriers to Family Planning: Challenges in Access Around the World

Safe and voluntary family planning is an essential health service and a basic human right. Family planning is a cornerstone of gender equality and is critical to the health and well-being of individuals, families, and communities. And yet, physical, educational, social, and legal barriers prevent millions of people globally from accessing quality family planning services every year. By identifying the barriers, effective evidence-based solutions can be implemented to ensure that everyone, everywhere has access to person-centered family planning services. Read More »

The State of Reproductive Health and Rights: A 50-State Report Card

For a decade now, the Population Institute has released a 50-state report card on reproductive health and rights showing how opponents of reproductive rights are creating a United States where there is a deep divide between those who have access to reproductive health care and those who do not. In the ten years of the … Read More »

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